Carrot -2no.
Peas -100gms
Finely chopped onions-1no.
Ginger-Green chillies paste-1tsp
Garam masala-1tsp
Salt to taste
Turmeric a pinch
Oil for frying
bread CrustPreparation:
1.Boil potatoes and remove the outter skin and smash it and keep aside
2.Then grated the outter skin of carrot and cut into small pieces and boil along with peas.Then smash both of them.
3.Mix all the boiled vegetables together and keep aside.
4.Heat a pan with oil add chopped onions and fry them till they turn into golden colour,add ginger-greenchillies paste and fry for few mints.Then add smashed vegetables,garam masala,salt and turmeric and fry for few mints and allow it to cool.
5.Once it cool downs make them into your desire shape and keep aside.
6.In a bowl add maida,salt and required water to make a semi liquid batter.
7.Dip the balls in maida and roll in bread crust and fry in oil till it turn golden colour or you can shallow fry it,but i fried in oil.
8.serve hot n spicy vegetable cutlet with sauce.
Prefectly shaped cutlets, looks crispy and fantastic..
thanku priya
Delectable cutlet! Hope u re doing good Pavani!
thank u cham now i am doing well
hey pavani,
This looks yummy, perfect with a cup of chai.......
Yummy cutlets
look very son will love them